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全息淨排頭養療程【送30分鐘腿部熏蒸】 75 minutes

Sold 5308
Trial $798.0 $798.0
Available for booking at 11:00


Limited to first time online / offline enjoyment, otherwise the store has the right to recover the difference 適宜人群:頭油、頭癢、頭屑多、毛囊口堵塞、毛囊炎症人群 1.功效:深層清潔,毛囊堵塞污垢,去內火寒濕,改善微細循環,調理頭部亞健康問題 2.操作產品:1 號湯、2 號湯、3 號湯、草本優護洗發水、頭皮清淨液、蠶絲精華 3.家居產品:草本優護洗發液、頭皮清淨液、新活精華液、蠶絲精華、 4.儀器工具:氣囊疏、頭皮檢測儀、經絡刷、噴槍、高周波梳 5.調理原理:通過頭部按摩,深度清潔毛囊內堵塞皮脂分泌物,清潔頭皮殘留, 還原毛囊自由呼吸的健康狀態,調養頭皮紅、癢、痘、油等問題。 6.操作流程: 1梳通——頭道氣囊梳梳 2頭皮檢測——頭皮檢測儀3頭部放鬆 4上湯淨5上湯調6上湯養7頭皮清潔 8頭皮復檢9毛囊淨化10肩頸按摩15分鐘 *專家提示: 1.配合頭道湯引火歸元項及蜂毒項目效果更佳。 2 配合早晚家居產品使用(頭皮清淨液+草本養發液或新活修護液+蠶絲修護精華液),草本優護洗發液根據情況 2—3 天使用一次 3.護理後半小時內注意不要受風、受寒涼,不要飲食寒涼/辛辣刺激食物/多喝熱水。 4.適量運動充足睡眠+心情愉悅
Online Payment
On-site Payment : Cash,Visa,Master,UnionPay,JCB,Alipay HK,Alipay (China),Wechat Pay,FPS
Free Cancellation (Before 1 hour free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your reservation for free 1 hour prior to your service, without any service charge / handling fee.
Pay attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within 1 hour due to shop has made the arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
Open 11:00-22:00
Room902, Abdoolally House, Central
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過萬間分店 使用天然植物熬制駐場中醫診症 設有獨立房間於亞洲各地開過萬間分店 提供不同頭部療程頭道湯養生館 早在中國及亞洲不同城市開了過萬間分店,終於在香港中環開設了分店,透過各種療程:頭皮保養、深層清潔、肩頸按摩、湯熏、經絡調理、漢方草本、本元艾灸、足部薰蒸等,讓客人使用後通體舒暢,紓壓安神。萃取苗藥精髓 使用天然植物熬制苗族女性濃密如墨的秀髮,是健康及美麗的象徵,她們的秘方來自雷公山的草本植物和流傳千年的美容古法。而頭道湯養生館 (中環店) 採用千年獨家苗方,每日使用來自貴州雷公山60種草本配方熬成三道湯,為了確保湯藥的新鮮,所有湯藥必須是當日熬製,正是這些細節讓頭道湯養生館 (中環店) 幫助很多人有效解決頭部亞健康的問題,舒緩頭痛,改善睡眠質素,保護髮質,增髮防衰老。環境寬敞精致 駐場中醫診症頭道湯養生館 (中環店)  環境寬敞精致,除了有經驗豐富的技師為客人提供專業的服務,亦有註冊脊醫註診為客人的痛症進行診斷,開啟一段養生之旅。從頭皮檢測到頭部放鬆、肩頸舒緩,頭道湯養生館 (中環店) 會關注客人的感受與需求,提供專業的建議讓客人能在這裡得到全面的護理。設有獨立房間 免費提供養生茶與應季水果頭道湯養生館 (中環店)  設有不同的獨立房間,讓客人可以在寧靜的私人環境下,放鬆身心,專心享受技師的服務。服務後,頭道湯亦免費提供養生茶與應季水果,讓客人補充水份,舒適地離開店鋪。


Confirmation details

  • You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
  • At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
  • In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or WhatsApp

How to use

  • Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
  • Show the Email of the order

Cancel/Change your bookings

  • Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
  • After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
  • If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
  • If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged