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Yu Massage
Sold 206K+ P.P.$325.7

Online PaymentOn-site Payment:Cash,Alipay HK,Alipay (China),Wechat Pay,Payme,FPS
Cannot be cancelled
The good news is you can cancel your
reservation for free 90720 prior to your
service, without any service charge / handling fee.
attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within
90720 due to shop has made the
arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
Open Now
Shop A-B, 3/F, South View Building, 13-17, Lau Li Street, Tin Hau (Press 3B on entrance) Get there |
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- Tin Hau
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Yu Massage Intro
開館信條: 遇見最好的你;遇上最愜意的環境;遇上最懂你的師傅;一切皆是緣分。 我地係邊度: 我地按摩小館係天后地鐵站A1出口,左轉直行3分鐘就到達,南景樓請按3B,即刻幫你開門 成立背景: 人若有緣,一切皆緣。我們是一間沐足小館,以緣起家,以「遇」為主。一個擦肩,一次回眸,一個偶遇,一段經歷,皆是我們所渴望的「遇」。世間緣分種種,唯有情緣最難得,最難守。我們希望你能遇見一個美好她/他,我們也希望你能遇見一個善良的你。我們有咖啡和吧台,希望你盡情回味苦與閒;我們有書有茶,希望你能再沈浸一下;我們有黑板畫,希望你能留下些什麼;我們有一個按摩小館,渴望你能釋放身體的不安;我們有一個「遇」,等著你的到來。 望一望我地按摩小館啦: 我哋有超級乾淨舒服,酒店裝修的按摩小館。因為我哋老闆有潔癖,所以我們有四個必須:所有的用過的東西必須消毒;衣服和毛巾必須質量好;地板必須每日拖;廁所必須有酒店咁舒服,所以請好好欣賞我們的傑作: 我們希望你不僅僅只是過來按摩,希望你能好好享受這裡每一分鍾的時光。我們有咖啡機,還有一個開窗吧台,請務必抽空坐下好好喝一杯咖啡(或者養生紅棗菊花枸杞…….花茶,如果你有什麼喜歡喝的請務必告訴我們,我們安排就是)。我們吧台上面有松木板,還有黑板和粉筆,請你留下大作,好好書寫那些不安,留下的都是幸福。 當然,我們必須要推介我們的超級超級超級首屈一指的按摩大師傅。我們有一位大師傅,號稱沒有一個客戶能逃脫他的手掌心,凡是試過必定要回頭(大師傅可遇不可求,小小難Book)。我們還有一位超級有經驗的前台,來之前可以Whatsapp我們,为你安排最好的师傅。 我們眼裡按摩,絕對不只是按摩,他其實更好的被稱為「推拿」。何謂「推拿」,「推拿」是中醫用手在人體上按經絡、穴位用推、拿、提、捏、揉等手法進行治療。大部分人認為「推拿」一定是痛的,越痛效果越好,當然就錯啦!我們獨創「遇式推拿」,運用柔推拿,武林說法就是借力打力,一種獨特輕柔推拿手法。此手法循經走絡,使肌肉在沒有痛楚地情況下,令淤滯的經脈及粘連地筋膜舒通,從而達至緩解各種痛楚不適。說太多可能也沒有什麼用,不如過來試一試我們的「遇式推拿套餐」啦,可能唯一的缺點就是十分容易推到訓著。 我們主題係「遇」,在最好的時光遇見最好的自己,一切皆緣,等著你過來。
Yu Massage Notice
Confirmation details
- You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
- At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
- In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or WhatsApp
How to use
- Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
- Show the Email of the order
Cancel/Change your bookings
- Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
- After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
- If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
- If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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