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(Moved)Heath Well Reflexology and Integrative Medical Centre

HKD$1-$100 Pricelist
Payment Method:(),,Cash,Octopus

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(Moved)Heath Well Reflexology and Integrative Medical Centre No Reviews Yet

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(Moved)Heath Well Reflexology and Integrative Medical Centre Intro

        「慧怡坊綜合理療中心」 是一間融合了中醫古方推拿療法及正宗吳若石神父沐足療法的休閒理療中心,管理人員及部份技師均是畢業於香港各大學及大專院校推拿專科,並已考取了多項相關之專業資格証書的資深從業員。並提供中醫診療服務,由資深註冊中醫師楊素娥女士(博士研究生)提供中醫內外全科,腫瘤科,皮膚科,針炙治療等服務。我們並榮邀足底部反射按摩療法專家 – 王志傑先生提供傳統古法足部反射按摩療法,歡迎蒞臨指導。

        我們已開業進入第三週年,為感謝廣大尊貴客戶的支持,我們特意添置一部由日本生產並經多個日本政府機構認證的電解還原水機( Enagic LeveLuk SD 501 ),可提供PH值達8.5~9.5之淨化還原水,除全面提昇飲用水水質以外,並確認經常飲用能改善及預防多種慢性疾病及皮膚病等。我們將會一如既往為客人提供更全面,更優質及更專業的康健理療服務。

        為感謝廣大尊貴客戶的支持,現更增設古法蒸腳服務,由即日起除中醫就診者一律免收診金,至 2014年1月30止外, 並可以優惠價做腳部薰蒸服務。歡迎蒞臨指教,敬請預約,詳情請與我們店鋪職員聯絡。

      “Health Well Reflexology and Integrative Medical Centre” is a blend of ancient Chinese medicine massage therapy and authentic Father Josef Eugster has foot therapy & Integrative medical centre. Management and some technicians are graduated from tertiary institutions in Hong Kong massage specialist, and has passed the number of relevant professional qualifications of senior practitioners. We also provide Chinese medical services, Chinese medicine (MBBS), Oncology, dermatology, acupuncture treatment by Ms. Yeung So Ngor ( PhD Cand. ) Senior Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. We invite reflexology foot therapy expert - Mr. Wong Chi Kit offers Expert Traditional Hi-tech Health Care Industry of Foot Massage Therapy, welcome guidance.

      We have opened the third anniversary, thanks to the support of the majority of our valued customers, specifically the purchase of a production from Japan by Japanese government agencies certified electrolytic reduction water machine (The Enagic LeveLuk SD 501), PH value of 8.5 to 9.5 alkaline water purification, in addition to comprehensively enhance the quality of drinking water, and confirm that regular consumption can improve and prevent a variety of chronic diseases. We will as always to offers more comprehensive, better quality and more professional physical therapy services. 

      To thanks your valued support, we have creation of ancient feet fumigation service with immediate, and keep on free consultation by Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner until to the end of January 2014, and you can got the special offers to do feet fumigation services. Welcome advise and by appointment. Please contact our staff for more details.

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