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Chill taan spa

Online PaymentOn-site Payment:Cash,Visa,Master,AE,EPS,UnionPay,JCB,Alipay HK,Wechat Pay,Payme,FPS
Free Cancellation (Before 1 hour free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your
reservation for free 1 hour prior to your
service, without any service charge / handling fee.
attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within
1 hour due to shop has made the
arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
旺角彌敦道570號基利商業大廈一樓全層 (油麻地A2出口) |
Service Area
- Kowloon:
- Mong Kok,
- Yau Ma Tei
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Chill taan spa Intro
Chill嘆!Less is more.
香港鬧市中的靜謐棲所——Wabi-Sabi 療癒空間在香港這座節奏急促的國際都會,每一刻彷彿都在與時間競逐。位於旺角彌敦道570號基利商業大廈一樓全層(油麻地A2出口)的 Chill嘆!,以 日式Wabi-Sabi 的美學理念,為您構築一處隱於繁華的療癒棲所。我們深信,真正的奢華不在繁複,而在簡約中尋回本真的平靜。「Chill嘆!」之名,蘊含了我們對放鬆與美好生活的嚮往——「Chill」是對極致放鬆的追求,「嘆」則承載了港式文化中對享受的讚嘆。我們希望每一位到訪的貴賓,在此都能感受到「嘆」一般的滿足,暫卸日常重擔,沉浸於屬於自己的靜謐時光。旺角彌敦道位處香港心臟地帶,交通便利,無論您是忙碌的精英人士、追求質感生活的名媛,抑或來港尋覓片刻寧靜的旅客,Chill嘆! 都是您不可錯過的心靈綠洲。步入 Chill嘆!,您將被一抹質樸之美所環抱。店內以 日式Wabi-Sabi 風格為設計靈魂,採用天然木材與麻布,牆面保留斑駁的原始紋理,搭配手作陶器與柔和的紙燈籠光影,營造出米白與灰褐交織的禪意空間。沒有繁複的裝飾,卻處處流露自然的不完美之美——粗糙的木桌邊角、溫潤的麻布窗簾,彷彿訴說著時光的無常與靜好。每一間療程室皆以簡約為核心,搭配私人香氛系統,讓您在私密空間中,感受到由內而外的平靜與舒適。Chill嘆!提供的不僅是按摩與美容,更是一場身心靈的療癒之旅。我們的療程以自然為本,融合中西療法,帶來純粹的放鬆體驗:從以天然精油舒緩身心的「穴位舒緩按摩」,到以手作熱石溫暖筋骨的「熱石能量導入按摩」,讓您在簡約中釋放壓力,找回身心平衡。美容項目則採用高效護理產品,推出多款療程,如「有機香薰面部按摩」以天然精華深層滋潤,賦予肌膚透亮光澤;「普里粉晶放鬆護理」則以普里粉晶提升肌膚彈性,喚醒自然之美。簡約的Wabi-Sabi 的精神貫穿每一個細節——不完美的熱石紋理、純粹的精油香氣,皆在提醒您,真正的美,源於自然與本真。在 Chill嘆!,我們相信「Less is more」——真正的療癒,無需繁複,只需回歸本質。無論是下班後的短暫紓壓,還是週末的深度護理,我們的專業團隊將以溫潤的服務,陪伴您走過這場身心之旅。旺角的便利位置,讓您隨時都能到訪,享受屬於自己的「ME TIME」。在這片靜謐空間中,讓身心與容顏在自然中綻放最純粹的光芒。Chill嘆!,不僅是一間高級 SPA 與按摩美容中心,更是您在香港都市中的心靈棲息地。即刻透過 WhatsApp 預約(97470147),開啟您的簡約療癒之旅,在自然與不完美中,尋回內心的平靜與美感。
Chill taan spa Notice
Confirmation details
- You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
- At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
- In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or WhatsApp
How to use
- Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
- Show the Email of the order
Cancel/Change your bookings
- Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
- After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
- If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
- If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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