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Green House Beauty (Tsim Sha Tsui)

Available for booking at 21:15

On-site Payment:Cash,Visa,Master,EPS,UnionPay
Free Cancellation (Before 4 hours free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your reservation for free 4 hours prior to your service, without any service charge / handling fee.
Pay attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within 4 hours due to shop has made the arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
Open Now
18/F, Chinachem Cameron Centre, 42 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

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Green House Beauty (Tsim Sha Tsui) Intro

Green House Beauty 大型水療按摩美容纖體中心 地方寬敞 環境優美 提供舒適獨立美容按摩間 Green House Beauty 為佔地6000多呎大型水療按摩美容纖體中心,誠心誠意每天等著為你提供優質服務。 大型水療美容按摩中心 港九設有分店 Green House Beauty 憑著優質的服務態度、舒適寧靜的環境及專業先進的 美容 按摩 技術,一直深受顧客的歡迎。為了服務更多的顧客,Green House Beauty更於港九不同地區設有分店。 荃灣 Green House Beauty 銅鑼灣 Green House Beauty 旺角 Green House Beauty 觀塘 Green House Beauty 按摩美容纖體一站式服務 為你設計最合適的需要 Green House Beauty 採用日本原創手技,結合意大利、日本、法國最先進的美容纖體,胸儀器,全心全意為你帶來清澈平和的動感體驗,你可以很輕鬆,很自立地在 Green House Beauty 享受真正貼身為你個人度身訂做的合適療程。 針對你的需要 提供不同的專業意見 Green House Beauty 美容 及纖體按摩師不定期赴日硏修,步伐慕求逹到緊貼潮流,以最貼心的護理,最新美容科技為你的肌膚與心靈撫平糾結的煩惱,感染無壓力的寧靜,隨著如同溫柔暖流之手的律動你的肌膚,逹到Green House (長青之屋)大門為你而開的目的,Call us ! Green House Beauty 經過13年的精神細作,苦心經營,憑借"專業、專注、專屬"的職業精神,為你塑造驕人的美貌及體態,使你能多為自己的美麗而驕傲和自豪。 日式通淋巴 無痛排毒去水腫 想排毒?去水腫?活得健康又美麗?相信很多女士也會因為這些原因而去推淋巴,但中泰式推淋巴時那種酸痛,卻不是每個女士所能忍受。 Green House Beauty從日本從進的「日式能量氣通淋巴按摩全身護理」正是各位女士的福音,既可有中泰式推淋巴的好處,又完全不會有疼痛的感覺!以後,推淋巴(日式),也可以變成一種享受! 日式能量氣通淋巴按摩全身護理

Green House Beauty (Tsim Sha Tsui) Notice

Confirmation details

  • You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
  • At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
  • In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or Whatsapp

How to use

  • Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
  • Show the Email of the order

Cancel/Change your bookings

  • Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
  • After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
  • If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
  • If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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