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ZenSpa (Hankow Road)
Sold 55K+ P.P.$304.1

Online PaymentOn-site Payment:Cash,AE,EPS,UnionPay,Alipay HK
Free Cancellation (Before 1 hour free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your
reservation for free 1 hour prior to your
service, without any service charge / handling fee.
attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within
1 hour due to shop has made the
arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
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ZenSpa (Hankow Road) Intro
『zenSpa 』的闡述 按摩哲學新理念 『zen』意謂平靜、安康、身心舒解;將之引用於按摩服務之上,就是zen Spa的哲學理念──為你準備好的裝潢及設備,讓每位客戶都享受到前所未有、賓至如歸的按摩服務。 揉合精心設計、具特色的主題佈置 zen Spa所包含的,就是健康有益的養生之道。從按摩師熟練的技巧與手勢、精挑細選的音樂、細膩回味的茶藝等等,即可充分體會到按摩的樂趣及享受,讓身心都得到完全的解放。環顧周遭一切的裝潢:迴廊上幽雅怡人的植物,配以格調的窗櫺、置椽及香薰爐作點綴,令人一切的煩憂壓力也盡地消退。再配合各式的擺設及多元化的香薰氣味,甫抵已令人覺得心靈平靜猶如置身度假般的愉悅一樣。zen Spa自成立以來,「力求盡善盡美」的信念至今從未變更。以最摯誠貼心的服務,為顧客提供體貼的一站式美容、按摩 、美甲服務,當中包括 Spa 、面部 / 身體護理、纖體療程及中式、泰式草球、能量熱石、淋巴排毒、香薰耳燭 及專注於女性之月適療法 按摩等。目的只為想調整一下忙碌生活中緊張的您,把一身的疲勞完全消去。 要堅持及保證優質服務質素,我們非常珍視與貴客維繫珍貴而長久的關係,而贏得客户的口碑和信任,乃是推動我們繼續努力不懈地提昇專業服務水平的原動力。務求每一位貴賓都 " 滿意離開、信心重來 " 我們誠意邀請你到 zen Spa 一遊,無論是幾小時甚至是一整天,進入我們的一站式摯誠服務吧! 商店配套: 1. 設有 WI-FI 及沐浴間 2. 香薰房、獨立TV房及雙人房選擇 3. 全女性專業美容、美甲、按摩師 4. 免費提供一次性用品 5. 每次付款,另有套票可供選擇 前往方法 出尖沙咀地鐵站A1出口,轉入海防道 步行約30秒,轉入漢口道,就會見到「ZenSpa」 到達「ZenSpa」地下 清潔企理的樓梯 順利到達
ZenSpa (Hankow Road) Notice
Confirmation details
- You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
- At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
- In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or Whatsapp
How to use
- Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
- Show the Email of the order
Cancel/Change your bookings
- Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
- After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
- If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
- If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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