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Lamix Medical

Sold 1440 P.P.$680
Available for booking on 19/12

Online Payment
On-site Payment:Cash,Visa,Master,EPS,JCB,AE,UnionPay,Alipay HK,Alipay (China),Wechat Pay,Octopus,Payme,FPS
Free Cancellation (Before 1 day free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your reservation for free 1 day prior to your service, without any service charge / handling fee.
Pay attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within 1 day due to shop has made the arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
Open 12:00-21:00
21/F, Aura On Pennington,66 Jardins Bazaar, CWB
Service Area
  • Hong Kong Island:
  • Causeway Bay
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Lamix Medical Intro

Lamix medical 全球唯一雙效 . BTL Exilis Ultra 360 膠原增生緊緻輪廓療程Exilis Ultra 360 全球唯一突破性結合單極射頻及超聲波技術,360度環迴體積加熱, 能量穿透更深更廣,刺激膠原彈力蛋白大量增生, 拉緊肌底承托力,輪廓即時緊緻提升,重現年輕。✅膠原增加兩倍✅提升肌膚密度19%✅提升肌膚緊致度35%✅減淡面部細紋33%醫學級激光療程 獲美國FDA及歐盟CE認證的 Lutronic 激光美白去斑儀器,以非侵入性雷射去斑技術,作針對性激光去斑。它設有4種波長選擇(分別為1064、660、595及532),以光熱療原理,因應各種深部黑色素包括雀斑、曬斑、老人斑,還有荷爾蒙斑等,將納米激光掃於肌膚,就這樣可有效率地打散深層色素,令整體膚色回復均勻美,加上這方法可刺激表皮色素代謝,而做到減淡色斑、收細毛孔改善凹凸洞等功效。還有這激光去斑價錢相宜。統統可見SPECTRA XT激光治療,絕對是客人信心之選。❎雀斑❎曬斑❎老人斑❎荷爾蒙斑❎毛孔粗大❎凹凸洞LAMIX Medical 全球唯一雙波長激光永久脫毛技術 這是由德國Asclepion作研究及生產出來的一項脫毛技術,得到美國FDA及歐盟CE認證,是全球唯一雙波長激光脫毛技術,有效同時輸出810nm+940nm激光光束,針對亞洲肌膚膚色,在脫毛效果方面更全面和更具成效,是無痛脫毛推薦之選。 對付不同濃密和粗幼的毛髪追擊深層及頑固黑色素破壞毛囊底部的微絲血管,截斷毛囊的營養輸送管道杜絕毛髮再生,締造持久白滑 整個脫毛過程只約 15 分鐘,全程溫熱無痛,1年6次療程,而經這6次脫毛療程後,令毛髮生長週期顯著減慢,達致長效毛髮減少效果,做到脫毛目的。要膠原自生系統回復正常☀️首先要肌底更生👍🏻疏道毛孔LAMIX Medical Aqua Pure 水亮無暇肌療程✅重點分段採用 3 款獨家專利精華✅均獲得美國FDA及歐盟CE 認證Peel+1️⃣非刺激深層去角質SEBO+2️⃣溶解黑頭、粉刺,疏通毛孔REJUVE+3️⃣高滲透保濕鎖水,刺激膠原及彈力蛋白✅再以真空負壓製造超微小氣泡✅配合精準旋扭調節控制✅制定個人化深層清潔✅活化細胞及補充營養肌膚方案—-------------------------🔸有效溶解老化角質污垢🔸真空吸除負壓功能,不會傷害皮膚🔸深層清潔,平衡肌膚油脂分泌🔸達至收細毛孔效果、提亮肌膚🔸回復 28 Days 肌底更生週期—-------------------------要回復脹卜卜少女肌,RE-GET 心心臉LAMIX 採用美國 FDA 及歐盟CE 認證,Harmony 極緻冷凍膠原自生療程1️⃣權威極緻冷凍光學膠原自生療程🏆15萬人見證 . 全球唯一專利1540nm✅刺激肌底500微米✅膠原BB自生✅Plump 脹蘋果肌✅膠原層增厚11%✅減淡細紋41%✅逼細毛孔🏆Keep住3年不老少女肌2️⃣天然果酸CPS 更生活膚療程✅回復肌底 & 膠原 28 Days 更生週期✅全臉更生肌底✅溶解多年老化角質、黑頭及粉刺✅疏通毛孔✅抑制暗瘡,褪走痘印✅提亮膚色,提升肌膚吸收力——————————淨肌嫩肌雙效💟擁有少女心形輪廓成為 15 萬人見證之一

Lamix Medical Notice

Confirmation details

  • You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
  • At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
  • In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or WhatsApp

How to use

  • Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
  • Show the Email of the order

Cancel/Change your bookings

  • Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
  • After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
  • If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
  • If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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