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Tuen Mun

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Extra Relax Center (Tuen Mun)

Sold 128K+ P.P.$384.3
Available for booking at 15:15

On-site Payment:Cash
Free Cancellation (Before 4 hours free cancellation)
The good news is you can cancel your reservation for free 4 hours prior to your service, without any service charge / handling fee.
Pay attention!Appointment cannot be cancelled within 4 hours due to shop has made the arrangements. Also booking cancellation will not be refunded.
Open Now
Room 1219-20, 12/F, ParkLane, 2 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun

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Extra Relax Center (Tuen Mun) Intro

滋彩保健中心 (屯門店)簡約風格裝潢 多項按摩服務任君選擇經驗技師技術專業 地點方便就腳一大好地方地點位於屯門市中心 多間獨立房滋彩保健中心 設有兩間分店,其中一間位於屯門,另一間則在元朗。店內空間豪華典雅,均設有大小房間,高私隱度,設施設備齊全,環境優雅舒適。屯門區的居民不妨可以在放假休閒時,來到滋彩保健中心 (屯門店),放鬆身心靈。滋彩保健中心 (屯門店) 選用簡約風格裝潢,十分整齊簡潔。大廳內設有多張按摩坐椅,客人可相約三五知己一同前來,一邊聊天一邊按摩。店內更設有多間獨立房,風景開揚,環境乾淨又衛生,私隱度高,非常適合情侶及閨蜜一同按摩。多項按摩服務任君選擇 總有一種最啱你心水滋彩保健中心 (屯門店) 提供各式各樣的按摩供顧客們選擇,而且價格相宜。店鋪的服務宗旨是顧客能用相宜的價錢,享受到專業的按摩。此外,店鋪深知顧客會因太多的選擇而三心兩意,所以亦推出了各種的套餐,可讓顧客們嘗試各種的按摩服務,找出最「啱」自己的服務。另外,推油服務所用的精油都均是店家親身試用多次後,才推出供客人使用,讓客人安心又放心。經驗技師技術專業 手勢人人都話得滋彩保健中心 (屯門店) 擁有一班專業技師,均有豐富的按摩技巧及經驗,而且手法熟練,了解各種按摩手法,包括敲,拔、點、搓,推、壓、揉、捏,並深明人體穴位分佈,拍、刮、按、抓,節委順暢,滲透力強,快感層出不盡。再加上,店家會定期加強員工的服務意識 ,秉持「顧客至上」的服務宗旨,用親切真誠的笑臉及尊業的服務換來顧客滿意滿足的笑臉,務求顧客能放鬆身心靈。更重要的是店家非常注意衛生,嚴格標準執行衛生規範,包括客人使用前後消毒,使用一次性物品等,讓人安心又放心。

Extra Relax Center (Tuen Mun) Notice

Confirmation details

  • You can check the order details in the "Order" of the BookFun App instantly after booking confirmed
  • At the same time, you will receive a confirmation email if you entered the email. It might appear in your Spam folder
  • In the event that you do not receive an email from us or there is no record in App, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or customer service channel or Whatsapp

How to use

  • Show the Order Number of "Order" in BookFun App
  • Show the Email of the order

Cancel/Change your bookings

  • Shop booking page has listed free cancellation time, you can cancel the appointment in the order details page within the specified time. The used coupon code / B-Dollar / points will be refunded to your account immediately
  • After the expiry of the free cancellation time, the order will not be refunded or changed because the shop has reserved the service for you
  • If the booking paid by credit card, we will notify the payment institution to arrange a refund immediately after the appointment is cancelled. It takes about 5-14 working days for the bank to process the application , the exact amount of money will be refunded to your credit card account directly. You can pay attention to the record of the monthly credit card statement later
  • If Hong Kong Observatory issues typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black rainstorm warning, a postponement or refund can be arranged
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