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The SPA By VALMONT (銅鑼灣店)

Payment Method:Cash
Open Now
25/F, Cubus, 1-3, Hoi Ping Road, Causeway Bay
Service Area
  • Hong Kong Island:
  • Causeway Bay
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The SPA By VALMONT (銅鑼灣店) No Reviews Yet

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The SPA By VALMONT (銅鑼灣店) Intro

THE SPA BY VALMONT 帶給顧客的不只是一般的美容護理,透過柔和的環境氣氛、細心專業的護理手法、完善的設施配套及VALMONT超卓的產品功效,讓顧客獲得真正由內至外的和諧與協調,煥發神采活力,重拾緊緻的嬌嫩肌膚。 為了讓更多VALMONT顧客於本中心獲得全備的產品資訊,THE SPA BY VALMONT 擴充頂層的前部份特設產品陳列專區,並陳列了多項藝術品包括古董雕塑品及皮革品,揉合藝術美感與舒適購物的理念,展示出VALMONT及其下不同系列的產品,兩邊附設雅座以供客人休閒選購。 至於頂層的後部份屬於至尊VIP專用區,享受由頭髮、面部至身體的個人護理,劃分多間以不同設計佈置及藝術元素的至尊VIP獨立房間,顧客更可獨立享受水簾之中的按摩浴池。當中包括簡約和諧式的設計,為女士們提供寧靜舒適的環境﹔而典雅歐陸式的設計令人猶如置身於希臘小島的空間﹔色彩分明的前衛主義以紅白色為主調,層次分明,令人充滿活力繽紛的感覺﹔高貴典雅的裝潢配備了 Vichy Shower,令女士們盡享悠閒舒適的水療設備﹔摩登時尚的後現代設計給予女士們非一般的水療空間,令人賞心悅目。每間至尊VIP房間的設計均曉富心思,無論是牆身、地磚、傢俬及擺設的配搭均一絲不苟,達至完美的視覺及SPA享受效果。 THE SPA BY VALMONT還額外增設SAVEUR by Bruno Verjus自主空間,遠赴法國誠邀當地名廚Bruno Verjus創作Fusion特色美食,讓客人可穿梭於護理及休閒之間能享受到具大師級創作的Fusion美食,給予客人SPA護理之外的全新美食概念! For more than 25 years, the Valmont Group has been helping women and men master the visible signs of ageing. Heir to traditional Swiss medicine, the company draws from the unspoiled natural resources of Switzerland and the latest cellular cosmetic research findings to formulate utmost anti-ageing skin care products featuring visible and long-lasting efficacy.  The group has surrounded itself with the best experts to create extraordinary product ranges, all subtly combining refinement and anti-age efficacy… to enhance the beauty of women and men.
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