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Nail Box (銅鑼灣謝斐道分店)
Payment Method:Cash
香港銅鑼灣謝斐道522號1樓 |
Service Area
- Hong Kong Island:
- Causeway Bay
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Nail Box (銅鑼灣謝斐道分店) Intro
Nail Box 誠意為你提供各式 美甲 、 修甲 、水晶甲及 gel甲等各式美容服務,而且更於灣仔及銅鑼灣設有專門店。
Nail Box專業美甲技師均接受專業訓練及擁有多年經驗,為你設計出多款時尚精緻的水晶甲造型,Nail Box服務快速、價錢合理,絕對滿足到你的要求。Nail Box除了一般修甲造型服務,更能針對灰甲及指甲過短等問題提供水晶甲-矯形服務。
Nail Box位處如銅鑼灣中心地帶,交通方便之餘,Nail Box樓上舖環境清靜舒適。一踏進Nail Box內,即能感受到環境優閒輕鬆的氣氛,仿如回到自己的家一樣輕鬆自在。歡迎來臨Nail Box參觀或來電2838 9206預約。
Nail Box in good faith to provide you with all kinds of manicure and a variety of beauty services. Nail Box Professional nail technicians are well trained and experienced. A variety of nail art are designed or tailor made that can definitely meet your requirements. Nail Box promises to provide best service with reasonable prices.
In addition we provide manicuring solution for nail with problems, such as onychomycosis or nails too short.
Our shop is a comfortable upstairs shop located in the Causeway Bay that customer can come to us with all kind of transportation. Leisure environment that bring customer to claim down and feel relax, together with delight manicuring services.
For interest parties, please make an appointment call at Nail Box : 2838 9206.
Suggested edit to update shop page.